Wednesday 6 July 2016

Ministry Moments

Earlier this year I was invited to co-facilitate a workshop at the Next Steps Missions camp. I had never heard about this initiative before, but after experiencing it, I wished that I could have encouraged more persons to be a part of it. The camp was organised by churches and mission organisations for persons who were interested in getting to know more about missions. The objective was to bring together mission agencies and persons burdened with missions, to equip the latter group with tools which would be beneficial on the field, while learning about opportunities to serve with the mission agencies.

Campers checking out booths of missions organisations
I had the privilege of presenting a workshop, along with Sunita Lochan, entitled "Training on using modern technology with partnership development." For this session we focused on the different technology tools which would be helpful in keeping ministry partners up to date on our ministry, and we also examined the positives and negatives of the role of social media in reporting on what God is doing in our ministry. Participants reported that the session was informative and relevant.

Some of the workshop participants
I also had the opportunity to be part of a panel consisting of persons involved in both long-term and short-term missions, where I shared on the topic "Spiritual exhaustion requiring encouragement, inspiration for ministry, personal devotion, and exemplary conduct". I was able to share about the importance of developing your personal relationship with God, so you can be better equipped to face challenges on the mission field. The questions posed to the panelists showed that participants were very interested in learning from our experiences. Feedback from campers showed that they were enlightened by the relevant information that was shared. We trust that many of them will answer God's call to go into all the world and preach the gospel.

As we continue preparation for ISCF Camp 2016, a retreat was held for those who were interested in serving as counselors at camp this year. During the weekend, they were exposed to a variety of activities to help in their preparation for camp.

Getting physically fit
Sports day fun
Having to plan and execute activities like Sports Day and Talent night helped the counselors understand what was expected of them, and how much can be accomplished even with a short preparation time. They understood how the campers would feel on mornings when they have to wake up early to study the word in devotions, and then exercise before breakfast. At the end of the retreat, they agreed that all the activities helped them to bond and develop a spirit of team work.

Early morning devotions
Uniting hearts in worship
There were also sessions conducted by the camp speakers, where they addressed topics which would be covered on camp, giving the counselors an opportunity to apply the Word to their lives first before ministering to the campers. These sessions were powerful and had a great impact on all who attended. Afterwards, one counselor noted "I now know what I need to do to help me be better in everyday life"
Interviews being held with first time counselors
Other sessions held over the weekend served to help the counselors put sin and holiness in the right perspective, and to understand the importance of what counseling is really about, and the great responsibility which is placed on them. We thank God for a successful weekend of information, encouragement and challenge.

Although I have not gone on any overseas trips with Is There Not A Cause for the year, I have still been active in the group. From sorting clothes to packing boxes to be shipped to Haiti to selling art and refreshments at shows, there is always something to do with ITNAC when I have a weekend to spare :) The funds from these sales go to helping our ministry partners in the work they do in Haiti and Kenya, as well as meeting the local needs which arise. Many lives continue to be impacted by the labours of the faithful few. 

Our art display at a recent show
 I continue to work with the Confident Kids Club at our Homework Club and Bible Club. There are some children who need additional support, because they are not up to the standard of the other children in their class. Others enjoy coming to Homework Club because it is more fun to do their homework with their friends, rather than at home alone. Recently, five of our students were successful at passing the SEA exams, including two who have been with us since the beginning in 2006. We continue to pray that they would work hard and do their best in their new schools.

Concentrating on their work
Paying close attention to the Bible Club lesson
At Bible Club this term we focused on Philippians 4:8. The children were challenged to filter the things that they allow to stay in their minds, focusing only on things which are true, noble, right, pure and lovely. In a world where there are so many things which are contrary to these virtues, we pray that the children would chose what is excellent and praiseworthy to enter their thoughts, because these are the things that would change their behavior.

Having fun at the Closing program
Thank you so much to those who have continued to support me - your encouragement and contributions have been invaluable, and your partnership has helped further the cause of Christ in this area of the vineyard.

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