Friday 18 January 2019

A time for everything

In April 2017 while sending greetings to one of my friends on her 40th birthday, another friend in our circle came up with the idea of us going on a trip together to celebrate our 40th birthdays, which would happen between 2017 and 2019. We were all very excited about the prospect, seeing as the last trip we took together was when they left high school in 1996. We didn't start planning seriously for the trip until June 2018, and it actually happened in December 2018.

Cruising around the coast of Barbados in a speed boat!

In the weeks leading up to the trip, we were all very busy. Responsibilities at home, work and ministry were really demanding, and if we had not already made the financial commitment in August, some may have been tempted to pull out of the trip. But we were glad that nobody did. It was so refreshing to take time away from the duties of our regular lives and use the opportunity to reconnect and rejuvenate ourselves. It was a sacrifice we had to make, not just in terms of the cost of the trip, but for all the things that needed to be done in our absence, someone else had to do it. But it was totally worth it! The early morning walks on the beach, the times of worship and prayer, the spectacular beach sunsets, the raucous laughter at each of the meal times, the deep times of sharing - these were moments that nourished our souls and created memories that will last forever.

Took some time out to visit the world famous Harrison's Caves

Too often we use the excuse, "I don't have time for that". The reality is that there will always be activities and responsibilities that will take up our time. But the truth is that we can always make time for what we consider to be important. I was reminded on Sunday that there is a distinction between what is urgent and what is important (read the full story of Mary and Martha's interaction with Jesus in Luke 10:38-42) There will always be urgent concerns in life that can distract us from what is most important. And what is most important in God's eyes may be different from what is important in the eyes of society.

Imagine if we thought we were too busy to have time for this view!

My encouragement for us all as we enter this new year is to take a step back from all that we are involved in and consider, what is really important:
* Are we spending time in God's presence or simply rushing from church activity to activity?
* Are we investing in building relationships with those around us or are we too busy serving their needs?
* Are we focused on accomplishing God's purpose for our lives or are we being distracted by things which are temporal and do not bring lasting satisfaction?
* Are we ordering our lives by what we love or are we letting the demands of others dictate how we spend our time?

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal - 2 Corinthians 4:18