Why 'A Drop in de Ocean'?

'A Drop in de Ocean' represents the impact of one person's actions on the world.

At a basic level, the ripple effects caused by one drop can be seen by others, even if the initial drop was not. As a drop of God's grace and an instrument of His mercy, I purpose to spread the ripple effects of God's love to the ends of the earth, just as the ocean touches every continent of the earth.

However, I know that I am not alone. Just as the ocean consists of millions of tiny drops, all Christians are tasked with the responsibility of sharing the reality of Jesus Christ with those who don't know Him. I have accepted my personal responsibility to expand His Kingdom and strive to be light that can shine for Him.

From another perspective, 'A Drop in de Ocean' goes much further.
Some may wonder, "What difference can a drop in the ocean make? There are already so many drops in it." In some ways the ocean represents the world, in which an apparent morality of 'goodness' is sometimes evident. This provides a false sense of security for many as they rely on their own good works for justification. My drop simply strives to bring the truth of godly vs. good. I aim to be an example of a godly drop to an ocean that doesn't see the need for God.

Finally, I just really love going to the beach :)

1 comment:

  1. love the name, and the explanation. It encourages me in my spiritual walk....
