Tuesday 28 January 2014

It has begun...

Officially, I am in Grenada to help re-start the ministry of Inter School Christian Fellowship in the schools here. I just realised that I didn't post anything about the group that was restarted last year at the T.A. Marryshow Community College (TAMCC). I was very encouraged by the three young ladies who eagerly embraced the concept of having a Christian witness in their school, and were willing to start the following week.
Leading in time of worship
Lively discussion on the account of creation in Genesis 1
Being introduced to the Bible Study initiative 'Face the Book'
This term the first school that was ready to start an ISCF group was Beacon High School, a private Christian school with about 80 students. There was a Bible Club organised by teachers, but once the teachers were busy, the students didn't meet, so they were eager to have a group which would be run by the students.

Introductions at the first meeting
Finding out what Scripture teaches about salvation
At Boca Secondary, I was invited at address the entire school to encourage them to participate in ISCF. At the first meeting, fifteen students attended. The following week, there were twenty-five who came. We will be using a bigger classroom this week, since on both occasions, there were students on the outside who wanted to come in, but didn't because it was too crowded.

Only a few of them were prepared to admit they were Christians
Eager to meet more than once for the week
Anglican High School has a legacy of ISCF groups at the school, but due to many changes the group became dormant. However with the help of two faithful teachers, it is being revitalised.

Ice breaker on the first day
Please pray for the students in these schools, that those who are Christians would be willing to be identified as such, and be prepared to take up the leadership role of ISCF in their schools. Pray also that students who are not Christians but are attending the meetings would get to the point where they surrender their lives to Christ.

I am grateful to God for the connection with Cross Connect Ministries which is helping with the planning of the student version of the relaunch of ISCF Grenada. After our first meeting, it really seems possible that this event is going to be a great success! Thanking God in advance for the release of the funding needed to make the event possible.

Great minds...great fun!
God continues to open doors for the advancement of His kingdom in schools and individual lives in Grenada and I'm ready and excited about walking through them. Thanks for those who have supported thus far - de journey now start!!!!


Thursday 23 January 2014

Holiday vibez!

In case you were wondering how come I haven't posted anything in the past five weeks, let's just say I've been too busy living my life to blog about it :) 

Here are some highlights from how I spent my time in December and early January...

Started with a lovely evening at La Phare Bleu's pizza night with Danielle. The waiter thought we were 'old friends catching up' - who would have guessed that we just met 3 months ago?

 Later that week, my big sister came to visit me in Grenada! We had a packed weekend cuz I wanted her to experience as much of Grenada as she could in 4 short days.

At the Mount Carmel waterfall
On board the catamaran for our snorkeling adventure (thanks Aunty Ruth Ann!)

We saw hundreds of brilliant tropical fishes and visited the Underwater Sculpture Garden - imagine statues that are only visible underwater...

Visited the nutmeg factory in Gouyave to see how they process their most prized national spice
Massive lobster that was most likely cooked at Fish Friday - a local seafood festival held in Gouyave on a Friday night

Of course we hit Grand Anse beach hard...

On the way to the airport, realised that we hadn't yet had the refreshingest smoothies in the whole of Grenada so had to remedy this!
Sister Wilma graciously decided to invite some of my friends over for a lime at home - I think it may be a while before she makes this offer again... talk about a crazy bunch of people!!!
They wanted to play Mafia all night...
Nuff kicks whenever this bunch gets together
The next week Aunty Gloria came to visit to do adult literacy training with persons who would be involved in teaching adults in Grenada to read and write. I am very grateful that she came, because there is no way I would have been able to do all this myself.

Training prospective literacy tutors
It was a packed trip, but we squeezed in some time for sight-seeing at Grand Etang lake.
Ended my time in Grenada for 2013 with a dinner by Sister Joan and Sister Wilma - the most gracious hostesses!
 Then I packed my bags and headed home for a whirlwind time with family and friends...

Cousins lime by the Dowlaths in Chaguanas
It was so good seeing some faces that I haven't seen in years...
Ziplining in Macaripe - Rachel's birthday present!
If you've never done this before I highly recommend it - it's great fun :)
Visited my very first home church - look at these children all grown up

Daniel insisted that I have lunch with the Williams family afterwards and I'm so glad I did!
 Then it was off to Tobago for some long overdue time with family
Sister's lime in Tobago!

Christmas morning breakfast

Put in good beach time with my Pumpkin but it still wasn't enough...
All too soon it was time to return to Trinidad...
Helped my brother and sis move into their own apartment
Bought supplies for flood victims in St. Lucia (Dan please don't hurt me...)
Reunion with John D Crew at IS/IVCF Dinner

Caught up with all the babies who were born while I was away
New Years Day lime at Dow Village
Conducted a tour of South for the visitors - Sunset over the La Brea Pitch Lake
Coleen getting a lesson in pastelle making
Lime with my longest standing group of friends - 20 years and counting! Love you guys :)

As much I enjoyed the time with those I got to see, I did miss all those I didn't get to lime with, but don't be in despair, 2014 is a whole new year!!! Feel free to come and visit me in Grenada while the free lodging is available ;)