Tuesday 15 November 2016

Get Real!

For the past 23 years, Christian Assemblies' Camping has been hosting Singles Camp - a retreat targeting persons 18 years and over, aimed at engaging participants in practical and biblical discussions on issues which are relevant to them as single young people. This year 27 young people gathered at Victory Heights campsite to be challenged and equipped with the tools needed to live a victorious single life.

Getting up close and personal during ice breakers
The theme chosen this year was "Get Real 2", following up from last year where we dealt with real issues that affect participants with open and honest discussions. One of the topics selected for this year was depression, as we recognised that there are many young people, even in the church, who struggle with this issue. Psychologist Marcia Tappin-Boxill covered the causes and results of depression, pointed out persons who are vulnerable, and gave practical, biblical advice to help persons overcome this battle.

Engaging the audience with her unique style of delivery
We recognised that Christians can become depressed if we do not deal with traumatic situations properly. We cannot just ignore the enemy - that just gives him a stronger hold on our minds, making us powerless to accomplish our Christian work. Some of the guidelines shared for helping overcome it were:

  • Stop making everything a catastrophe - think positive. Philippians 4:8
  • Stop living in the past, obsessing about what might have been. Philippians 3:13
  • Live in the present. Matthew 6:34
  • Reach out to others. 1 Corinthians 12:13-22
  • Check your thoughts against God's Word, and hold on to the truth of God's Word instead of believing the enemy's lies
Nurse Tricia Small sharing
Another topic which was covered was the issue of abortion, which, although it is illegal in Trinidad and Tobago, is practised by many women for a variety of reasons including shame and desperation. Tricia shared about the devastating effects of this practice, not just on the mothers, but on the fathers of the children as well. She encouraged participants to remember that 1 John 1:9 promises that God is faithful to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness, and that, like the widow in 2 Kings 4:1-7 who felt desperate, alone and hopeless, we can cry out for help - there are persons around who would be willing to help in even the most difficult of situations.

Sunday morning worship
The Sunday morning session challenged participants to examine their relationship with God. Elder Dr. Ancil Kirk encouraged us to communicate regularly with God, respect the boundaries God has established, and be committed to God in love, obedience and submission to His will. Using the parable of the Prodigal son, he illustrated the downward path to self indulgence which led to spiritual destitution, but also pointed out the steps to restoration which results in the prodigal returning to the loving embrace of the Father.

The final session dealt with expectations in marriage, and after drawing out from the participants both their positive and negative expectations, Deacon Rodney Brown showed how oftentimes these expectations are unrealistic, and we should instead place our focus, not on our prospective partner, but on ensuring that we work on the areas in our lives where we are lacking in preparation for marriage.

Fun photo shoot
We had time for some fun activities over the weekend as well. There were games on the Friday night, aerobics burn out on the Saturday morning, pool in the afternoon, and a hilarious time of spontaneous performances on Saturday night. The food was excellent - whoever heard of geera provision?! The feedback from participants indicated that they were enlightened by all the information which was shared, and were challenged to take steps to improve their relationship with God and get deeper in the Word. 

We thank God for how He orchestrated the program, including testimonies of persons which were extremely relevant to the topics which were covered, and gave participants a glimpse into how some people dealt with the real challenges they faced, recognising that being a Christian does not make us immune to struggles, but we have the Word, the Holy Spirit and the support of other believers to help us overcome. We pray for those who made commitments to change that they would be surrounded by a supportive network which would hold them accountable and encourage them to live fully surrendered to God. 

Wednesday 9 November 2016

One Year Later

Just over one year ago, I left Grenada after having spent two years working to re-establish the ministry of Inter School Christian Fellowship in that country. I didn't want to leave, they didn't want me to leave, but we had to accept that my season there was over, and it was time to pass on the baton to those who would be carrying the movement forward.

Commissioning of new staff workers

Arlene and Cheryl bravely took over the role of staffworker, both on a part-time basis. They were both instrumental members of the Board while I was staffworker, and both had experience being involved with the ministry as students, Arlene in Guyana and Cheryl in Grenada. They divided up the schools between themselves and set to work ensuring that the student ministry was sustained in the groups where we already established groups, and started exploring new options.

Student executive at Happy Hill Secondary

They experienced many triumphs and challenges over the past year. New board members were added, while others had to leave. New sponsors were sourced, but some of the faithful ones were no longer available. New schools were added, but some existing groups are struggling. Praise God for the new volunteers who have made themselves available to help with the staff work in the Eastern part of Grenada, which would ease the burden on Cheryl and Arlene. In the midst of it, God is still working in His time to accomplish His purposes through ISCF Grenada.

ISCF Grenada 2016 graduates!

Cheryl was able to attend the Caribbean Area Staff Education and Training conference in April 2016 and left very much encouraged and equipped to continue the staff work. Regional Secretary Marc Pulvar journeyed to Grenada in June 2016 and was able to provide governance training to the Board of Directors. Later on Board Chairman Rodney Mc Intyre attended the Regional Boards Conference in Suriname.

Board members pose with their certificates of participation

National activities continued with the support of many willing and dedicated volunteers. Some have been faithful in prayer, some in giving of finances, and  some investing their time and energy in building relationships with the students. Late in 2015 there was a Link Up in the form of a hike to Mt. Carmel waterfall. A very successful camp was held in July 2016 under the theme of "Fast Forward, no place left".

ISCF camp 2016

One of my greatest joys, however, were the updates from Mae Patterson, sponsor at the T. A. Marryshow Community College. From September 2016, I started receiving pictures from her showing students at the CCCF meetings, and I was so thankful to God to see faces I recognised who were involved with ISCF over the 2 years that I served there. Through her efforts, students from Grenada were able to link with students for Martinique during IFES' World Student Day of Prayer in October 2016.

Grenada and Martinique skyping for World Student Day of Prayer

Some of you would remember Hope Mitchell, the youngest delegate to World Assembly last year. She has grown tremendously from the shy form 3 student that I met in 2013 when we first started ISCF in Boca Secondary. She has since graduated, and is now serving as the President of CCCF. She writes:
"I want to make CCCF meetings more interesting and outgoing, especially to non believers. I have a lot of great ideas that I can't wait to start working on"
She was also working with the group at Boca Secondary to help them get meetings started for this term, since the main sponsor had to migrate for study at the beginning of this term.

I am truly indebted to those in Grenada who continue to water the seeds which were planted, and am eternally grateful to God for bringing the increase.