Monday 23 May 2016

A way of escape

On the first Saturday of May, Point Fortin celebrated its status as a borough. These celebrations took a variety of formats, but on the actual borough weekend the atmosphere was very similar to Carnival with jouvert, fetes... the full works. For over ten years, we have hosted a 'Borough Retreat' at our home for youths from our original church in Point Fortin to have an avenue where they can enjoy good, clean fun over that weekend.

Friday night session
The retreat started the same evening that there was the huge fire next door. We were grateful that there were no serious damages, so the retreat was able to progress as planned, although we got off to a slightly late start due to all the drama. The first session was conducted by Brother Martin Samuel, and his message was based on 1 Samuel 1. He challenged the youths to consecrate their lives to God, even as Samuel was set apart for God's service from an early age. There was an intensive discussion about how this can be lived out practically, with some sharing about their struggles to respond correctly to persons who pick fights with them for no particular reason. At the end of the session, they were challenged to not let their testimony be ruined by the tests they face in life.

Doh say dat!!!
After a delicious dinner of homemade pizza, the fun and games begun! There was a local version of the popular game Taboo that had everyone in stitches. Then, we went back in time with Boy, Girl, Animal, Place, Thing, TV show. The youths didn't have to be told to stay off their electronic devices during this time, and it was really encouraging to see them having so much fun with people who were right in the room with them.

Devotions being led by Barry, supported by his lovely wife and cute son!
The next morning we were up bright and early for devotions. After a time of worship, Barry challenged the youths to choose to live lives of purity. He encouraged them to choose the way of escape that God has provided out of every temptation that they face. It was really a timely message that needed to be shared, and it was very relevant to the trials we all encounter on a daily basis.

The lovely Lopinot!
After breakfast, we got ready for the long drive to Lopinot. There was no plan B in case the rain fell, so we prayed and God held up the rain while we were there. Even though it became overcast at times, the rain never fell so we were able to make the most of our outing in the scenic outdoors.

A glimpse into history with this mud oven
Exploring the 'river'
Working off their lunch
Dog and bone!!!
Apparently there is more than one way to play dominoes...
The visit was also an educational one, although we had no idea it was going to be ;) There was a celebration put on by the Venezuelan embassy for the May Cross. It is an Amerindian Catholic tradition that celebrates the beginning of the rainy season by decorating crosses and praying to God for a good harvest for the farmers. We were able to see first hand how these crosses were decorated, and also hear some authentic spanish music.

Decorating the May Cross
Genuine Trinidadian of Amerindian heritage!
After we returned home and relaxed for a while, everyone was put into groups to prepare a skit based on the topics presented so far for the weekend. The skits gave the youths an opportunity to practically apply the biblical truths they had been taught, and it was clear that they really understood the messages that were presented. They all showed God providing a way of escape from a variety of temptations that are part of their reality. 

Practising for their skit
After the skits, we watched a movie called Soul Surfer. Those who made it to the end were able to share what they learnt about persevering in spite of difficulties, and trusting that God has a better plan when our plans for life fall through. 

The next morning, devotions focused on how we are supposed to be different from persons in the world. They were put into groups to study passages relating to being separate from the world, and then challenged to do so by changing their attitudes, selecting their friends wisely, and choosing the way of escape that God has provided for them. 

We thank God for all who were a part of making this weekend a grand success - from providing transport to donating funds, from cooking to facilitating sessions. It was truly awesome to see how all the sessions complemented one another, even though there was no communication between the facilitators prior to the retreat - the Holy Spirit definitely worked to communicate the message He wanted the youths to receive. We pray that they would remember these lessons, and choose the way of escape when they are faced with their own personal challenges.

Borough Retreat clip 2016

Sunday 8 May 2016

The great fire that wasn't

It began innocently enough; the guy who cut the grass next door heaping the cuttings into a pile and burning it to get rid of it. The smell of smoke filled our house, but I had to leave for Bible Club. The guy was there when I left, keeping an eye on the fire. I guess due to the rain we have been getting recently, he figured it was safe.

Ten minutes later, Garryn arrived at Bible Club with the children he picked up, and asked me if I had seen the fire. I asked him if he was referring to the bonfire in front of my neighbor's house and he realised I had no clue, so he urged me to go outside. When I looked up the street, all I was see was massive flames and smoke.

The beginning
The fire quickly spread from the front of the house next door to the savannah grass in the back, which was as tall as the house itself. My neighbour called to say that the fire was in our yard as well, so Garryn and Mummy raced up the road to deal with it while I called the fire department. It took a while to convince them that I knew which was the closest fire station to where I lived, so by the time they transferred me to the Mon Repos Fire Station, someone else on the street had already called and was giving them directions to our house.

Craft and acrostic by one of the children
While all the action was going on up the hill, we were still able to have Bible Club. It was difficult to resist the temptation to go back outside to see if the fire was spreading to the house, but I just kept praying and repeating to myself that God is in control. The lesson focused on "whatever is right" from Philippians 4:8 and we discussed why some children do things that are not right and what the consequences would be for their actions, then we prayed that they would make the right choices, even if it would make them less popular or taken advantage of. After this they made craft for Mothers' Day, interrupted only by the arrival of the fire engine.

It's not everyday that you get to see one of these up close
The firefighters arrived within about 20 minutes of the call, and were able to extinguish the blaze that had spread to the roof of the house next door. Before they got there, my neighbor Mark ran across with his hose and together, he and Garryn battled the smoke and flame in our yard, working hard to prevent the flames from getting close to the house. The smoke was so thick at times they couldn't even see each other even though they were just meters apart. My other neighbour Rachel was able to guide them to standpipes which were located in the middle of the yard so they could connect hoses which could reach closer to the back of the property where the fire was raging.

Mark's son also did his best with the hose
By the time Bible Club was over, the firefighters had the blaze under control. The fire engine had to go for a refill after all the water they had was used up, but the worst was over. 

Charred remains of one of our citrus trees
The smell of smoke lingered all evening and into the next morning, many of our trees were destroyed, but no lives or property was lost. Thanks to the grace of God, the wind blew the fire across the back of our land, instead of up towards our house. Thanks to the hard work of our friends and neighbors, and the quick response of the fire department, the damage was minimal. 

Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not.
Lamentations 3:22

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Making the most of every opportunity

Most people would know by now that I am not big on celebrating Christmas or Easter. However, I am very happy to use the opportunity these occasions present to be involved in spreading the good news of the new life that is available in Jesus Christ.

The first event was the closing program for Bible Club. At the end of every term, we use the opportunity to invite the parents of the children to attend a program where they can get a glimpse into what the children have been learning for the previous term. The theme for the term was Be Holy, and this fit well into the message of how we should live in light of the resurrected Christ. There were games which had an Easter theme, followed by a challenge which encouraged those who attended to commit to live lives which are set apart for God.

Hiding place for the sugar cake hunt
complete with verses about the resurrection!
Game to see who can form the outline of a cross the fastest
Children responding to Uncle Garryn's message
Our church held an Easter Fair for members of the community on Good Friday. It took the format of a bazaar, but instead of paying to play the games, everything was free! There were also hot dogs, pop corn, cotton candy, hot cross buns, ice cream and drinks for all who attended. It was a great opportunity to interact informally with persons from the community who may never have come to a formal church service. There was a puppet presentation, special song and a short message which all communicated the gospel message very clearly to all who came. We thank God for all who worked hard and gave generously so this message could have been presented to so many.

Backdrop showing the reason for our celebrating Jesus
One of the booths reflecting the Easter theme
Cupcake prize with verse attached
From Easter Sunday until the Friday of that week, I joined with the Christian Assemblies for Easter Camp under the theme "Man's image... nothing. God's image... everything". I was able to bring two children from Bible Club and they thoroughly enjoyed their first ever camp experience. Because I have not yet returned to full physical activity since my January surgery, I couldn't participate fully in all the activities, but I was able to serve in an administrative capacity. The two speakers did an excellent job in showing the campers the importance of choosing to reflect God's image rather than the image that society is portraying. Apart from the chapel and devotion sessions, there were sessions where the campers' eyes were opened to the messages that was being communicated through the media of songs, clothing brands and even television shows. At the end of the week, many young campers made the commitment to live reflecting God's image.

God's splendor on display at
Victory Heights Bible camp

Campers rejoicing when their team won
All dressed up for banquet night
We are thankful for the privilege to serve in these activities, and trust God that the messages which were communicated, in the variety of formats, would take root in the lives of the children and adults who heard them, and bring about real transformation.