Friday 27 February 2015

Roll call

Here is the answer to the question that is on many people's minds: How is ISCF going?

Happy Hill Secondary

The group at Happy Hill comprises a few faithful students who are quite open with their views, and willing to learn more about how God wants them to live. We had some spirited discussions on why young people indulge in alcohol, and discussed ways that they can have fun without exposing themselves to the risks associated with alcohol consumption.
Being reminded of the importance of honoring God with their bodies
We also examined the value of waiting until marriage before engaging in sexual activity. In discussing the consequences of premarital sex, we spoke about abortion and the negative effects it has on the mother. This led to a discussion about suicide, and whether God would forgive persons who kill themselves, and what was necessary for persons to do if they wanted to get to heaven.

Activity teaching the importance of boundaries
We shared Matthew 7:21 about some persons not getting to heaven even though they called on God’s name and did works, because they never had a personal knowledge of God. This led to a bible study the following week on how to become a true follower of Christ.

Anglican High School

The ISCF group at High School consists of a small but dedicated group of girls who are committed to learning more about how they can honor God in their daily lives. We looked at how our faith as Christians is based on the fact of God’s Word, which is always true in every situation. We examined how our faith relates to social issues that are prevalent today.

Sharing about how to choose friends
At one session we examined various scripture verses to determine what the bible teaches about the kinds of friends we should have, and how to choose friends. They spent some time evaluating their friendships, praying about any relationships that needed to be ended because they were not healthy.

We also had a good discussion on how we can know that God is real. After talking about the evidence in creation and science, we recognised that there are some persons who will continue to deny God because the enemy has blinded their minds, so we need to pray for their eyes to be opened. We also spoke of the value of having a testimony of a personal encounter with God, and recording incidents of God’s faithfulness to us in times past.

Boca Secondary School

One of our larger meetings, the ISCF meetings at Boca Secondary are planned by students who are on the Executive, with the guidance of their sponsor. Each meeting starts with an icebreaker - a fun activity that helps the new students feel welcomed to the group.

Having fun with the "I went shopping" game
 Following this exercise, an Exec member or the sponsor shares on the selected topic for that day. So far, they have examined the authenticity of the Bible and looked at the topic of Forgiveness. They also did a bible study based on Proverbs 3.

Encouraging the students to study the Bible on a regular basis
One student from this group, along with the sponsor, are preparing to represent ISCF Grenada at the IFES World Assembly in Mexico in July. The group has been very creative in developing ideas to help raise funds for this, as well as ISCF camp, by doing portraits for students, and creating jewelry and keychains for sale.

Beacon High School

This is another group which is run by the student Executive. Since this term started, they have dealt with the topics of homosexuality, teenage pregnancy, devil worship and pornography.

Listening intently as the President shares
It is very encouraging to hear the leaders sharing from their own personal experiences. This is what ISCF is about: students reaching students! They are much more in touch with the challenges that their peers are facing, and the students are a great deal more receptive to counsel from one of their own.

Student leaders engaging students in discussion
The students in this group are very open and candid about sharing their stories. They feel comfortable being honest in these meetings, and are very willing to accept godly advice.

T.A. Marryshow Community College

The Community College Christian Fellowship (CCCF) has been meeting consistently since the school term began. The two member Executive has been working with the sponsor to plan and execute meetings every week, in the midst of their preparations for final exams in just a couple months time.

Spending time in praise and worship
One of the discussions the group engaged in focused on the effects of sexual promiscuity, with particular emphasis on the spiritual implications. They also discussed triggers of sexual impurity like pornography. This topic is very relevant as many of the nation's youths are engaged in sexual promiscuity without any regard for the consequences.

Engaging in a fun activity
At CCCF the students are encouraged to participate in the meetings by sharing their own testimonies. At one session, they read scripture verses, and students shared what they felt God was saying to us through those verses. At another session, they shared what the phrase "God is in control" means to them.

Westerhall Secondary School

The group at Westerhall continues to be a wonderful opportunity to share God's principles and truth with students who may not otherwise have been exposed to the Word of God. This term the principal has mandated that all students must attend a Religious Instruction class, whether they belong to a religion or not. Most of the non-denominational students choose to come to our ISCF meeting.

Engaging in a Getting to Know you activity
For this term we having been looking at relationships – the purpose of relationships, why people get into relationships, and when is a good time to enter into a relationship. We spoke about why sex was only safe in the context of marriage. The students were taught about the bond that is formed between two persons who have sex (the two becoming one flesh) and cautioned that this bond is very difficult to break, so it should only be entered into with the person that you intend to spend the rest of your life with. They were warned about entering relationships with persons who  would prefer to see them dead rather than enter a relationship with someone else. Sadly, later on in the day reports came of a young lady from St. Mark’s who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend. This served to reinforce the caution given about entering into relationships.

One of the young men expressed the view that he would not mind being with someone who had multiple partners before him, because he had done the same, and if it did not work out with her, he could always get someone else. An Anglican priest who was visiting asked them how many persons believe that sex before marriage was a sin, and out of a class of 30+ students, only 3 of them raised their hands. He went on to quote verses from the bible which showed that sex outside of marriage is not pleasing to God.

Students reverencing God in prayer
At another session we spoke about the increased involved in young persons in online pornography. The students were challenged to see their bodies as God’s temple, and encouraged to honor God with their bodies. They were also encouraged to see themselves as precious and valued in God’s sight, and to not seek love and acceptance from anyone else apart from Him.

Grenville Secondary School

The sponsor has been steadfastly working to ensure that ISCF meetings happen at GSS. Despite the challenges, she continues to persevere, encouraging students to know Christ, and to make Him known.

Mrs. Hamilton has a great influence over these young people
One session conducted so far focused on what does a Christian look like. While it is true that there is no typical ‘look’ for a Christian and that it is the heart that matters, we looked at bible verses that outline what characteristics should be seen in the lives of true believers.

Students leading in worship

Please continue to pray for :
  • all these ISCF groups as the students seek to shine their lights in the midst of the darkness around them. 
  • the sponsors, that they would not become discouraged 
  • the student leaders, that they would not become distracted, but would keep their focus
  • the group members, that they would hunger and thirst after righteousness, and that they would be filled
  • those students who are supposed to be Christians, but for one reason or another do not attend the ISCF meetings - that they will be bold, and see the value of being a witness for Christ in their schools.

Friday 20 February 2015

A different kind of testimony

Most times our testimonies as children of God follow a set pattern:

I just want to testify that God is so good because He  <insert answer to prayer/some situation where God has blessed you>

But recently I was having a discussion with some Christian brothers and sisters that highlighted the danger of this sort of thinking/speaking. Do we only recognise God's goodness when we receive His blessings? Do we only praise Him when He has 'come through' for us?

Recently I lost one of my friends from church, Don Juan Acosta. He had been on dialysis for a couple years, but I was not expecting him to die so soon. Whenever I met him after church, there would always be a smile on his face, and a genuine, "how are you doing?" - you knew that he really wanted to hear the answer to that question and he was not just asking it out of politeness. He had a passion for children's ministry, and was always making people laugh with his stale jokes.

When I got the message that he was dangerously ill, naturally I prayed for a miracle. I thought it would be such an awesome testimony if God healed him - he would be able to continue his role as husband and father, his various ministries, and many would know beyond the shadow of a doubt that it was because of God's healing hand.

But God did not heal in the way I prayed. There would be no testimony.

Or would there?

Would the fact that his wife and children still trust in God be a testimony?
Would the fact that all those whose lives were impacted by him, coming together to celebrate his life be a testimony?
Would the fact that I was able to get closure without going to his funeral since I am living in another country be a testimony?

I don't have all the answers, but one thing is sure: God continues to be great and awesome and powerful and worthy of our praise, regardless of the outcome of any situation.

Romans 8:28 says "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose"
God never promised to work only through the good things, but He can also work through the bad things, the things that don't make sense and the things that hurt more than words can describe. He is able to use what the enemy meant for evil, and turn it around for good, to accomplish His purposes.

And I can testify to that.

Friday 6 February 2015

A story about Jijo

For those of you who never met him before, let me introduce you to my van Jijo. Jijo is short for "Jump in, jump out", which everyone who has ever driven with me would understand once we have to make more than one stops. He is a two-door Suzuki Escudo that gets me everywhere in Grenada that I have to go. Anyone who has visited Grenada would understand the number of hills you need to climb on a daily basis, and some of them are pretty steep. For those from Trinidad, think about a combination of the drive to Maracas, and the drive to Toco, multiply it by ten, and then you have an idea of what driving is like in Grenada. If you never heard the story about how I got him, you can read about it here How I got Jijo
First road trip with Jijo
Now, anyone who owns a second hand vehicle, especially one that is fifteen years old, knows the importance of maintenance. I make sure that every three months he goes in for servicing. I tell my mechanic to check everything and fix whatever might go wrong before it actually does, because I don't have time for my van to be breaking down on me when I have schools to go to.

His next check up was due at the end of January, so Jijo sat silently waiting while I was not here in Grenada for 2 1/2 weeks in December. Upon my return, I knew that something was wrong. I knew he missed me, but he was just not climbing those hills with the power I knew he had. I figured it was time to call the mechanic when he did not have the power to make it up one of the steepest hills in town, and I had to reverse all the way back down the hill, around corners that had no curbs, in the night, with no streetlights.

Thank God I was able to make it to the mechanic and upon investigation, he found water in my spark plugs. We had no idea how it got there (I had to work hard to convince him that I did not drive through any rivers over the December holidays). Thankfully he was able to blow it out and after a thorough servicing, we were back on the road.

Until the day that my windows refused to go up. Thank God it happened when I got home, and not when I was parked on the main road somewhere. I gave it about ten minutes and then I tried it again and it went up, following which there was an unexpectedly heavy downpour of rain. Even in the midst of my day to day situations, I continue to see God's hand of favor and blessings over my life. Back by the mechanic, he again accused me of underwater driving, as the master switch for the power windows seemed to have water in it. After a quick service, we were good to go again.

Even though he can't carry a lot of load, he fits so well
into parking spaces :)
 I also thank God for my mechanic, whom I can call at any hour of the day or night, and will stop what he is doing to attend to my emergencies. The favour of the Lord! Can I get a witness?

Wednesday 4 February 2015

ISCF Grenada delegates to World Assembly 2015

The International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) hosts a World Assembly every four years. This event brings together students, graduates, speakers, supporters, staff and board members from each national movement. ISCF Grenada has nominated the following persons to represent our movement at this special event:

Hope Mitchell-Secretary of ISCF Student
Executive at Boca Secondary
My name is Hope Raysha Arenstin Mitchell. I am 15 years old and I live with my mother and younger brother in an apartment located at Mt. Hartman, St. George’s, Grenada. I enjoy playing music in my school band (I play flute), reading, writing stories, star-gazing and learning more about the Bible and God. I got saved at a young age and since then, even as a teenager, I can already see that my life is different from my unsaved friends.

Honestly, being able to attend this World Assembly in Mexico will have a huge emotional and spiritual impact on my nation and my ISCF group at school. It will help them to have an increased faith in God and help them understand that even though we are a small country, we don’t have to be small thinkers, but with God we can climb to new heights. Even though we all come from different backgrounds and range in age, when God has plans for you, He has amazing ways of showing them and amazing ways of using you.

This trip will be an amazing experience for me too. I’ve heard about people who travel from their home for youth conferences all around the world for God. I never thought that I would have that opportunity at 15 years to be able to travel from Grenada to attend a youth conference in another country. I have never travelled before and I am happy that my first to do so is for God’s use.

Don-rae Wilkinson -
sponsor at Boca Secondary

My name is Don-Rae Wilkinson. I am presently teaching Art at the Boca Secondary School, and I in charge of the ISCF group there. I have a passion for ministry to young people, and I am grateful for the opportunity to impact the spiritual lives of my students and encourage them to grow in their walk with Christ through my involvement in this student ministry. I also work with the youths in my church, and co-ordinate an outreach to young men in my community through sports.

I believe that I will benefit from attending World Assembly because it will give me a broader view of the ministry of ISCF. I will be able to meet others and learn ideas from them that I can use when I return to Grenada. I also look forward to a rich time of worship and bible study with believers from all over the world.

Rodney McIntyre - Board Chairman
My name is Rodney McIntyre. Most excited to be a son of the Most High God, for the last thirty-one (31) years. Received Jesus at age fourteen (14), a secondary school student at the time. Married to the loveliest wife for twenty-one (21) years, a marriage blessed with three beautiful daughters. I have been a teacher for most of my life. Twenty years at a local secondary school. I enjoy working with young people and men. 

I have been involved with student ministry as a student, as a sponsor and most recently as a board member.  Attending World Assembly is important to me as an individual because it would give me an experience of a lifetime. Something I’ve always heard about but only dreamt attending. Apart from the experience it will help me to build relationships and network with persons who share the passion for student ministry.  Student Ministry in Grenada went dormant for a number of years and was only recently re-launched. Attending World Assembly as a board member will give the necessary boost, in the area of knowledge and experience with an awareness of the regional and global movement.

Cheryl Jessemy - Board member 
I have been serving the Lord for over 25 years in various areas of ministry.  For many of these years, I worked with the Christian Education/Children's ministry at my church and assisted other churches with training and organizing their Sunday School ministry.  Two years ago, I entered full-time Kingdom service with an emphasis on Children's ministry. I am privileged to be associated with not only the ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship, but also the Inter-School Christian Fellowship (ISCF). Recently, I pledged to work with this Fellowship as a part-time Staff Worker. 

I was honoured to attend the Regional Conference last year and I believe that attending IFES World Assembly will further deepen my understanding of the scope of the ISCF work. I look forward to it also as I believe that it will be an opportunity for me to learn from the experiences of others in the same area of ministry. I believe the Lord has called me into this ministry and the passion I feel for it can only be heightened by attendance to an Assembly of this nature.

Jim Andrew - Board member
I am Brother Jim Andrew; 31 years of age, presently involved in local ministry and studying to enhance my capabilities both at a church and secular level. However, as a product of the Inter School Christian Fellowship it is with great delight to serve in another capacity. Presently, I am an active elected board member of The Grenada ISCF team responsible for coordinating prayers.

In the event, that I have the opportunity to attend the World Assembly in Mexico carded for July 2015, it will definitely better prepare me to develop myself spiritually and experientially and as result, enables me to contribute more effectively towards the youth ministry in the different school of my country, especially where there is break down in moral values. Additionally, I will be so interesting to share one common faith with other persons, which was shared abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

Deborah Dowlath - Staffworker

My name is Deborah Dowlath and I am currently serving as staffworker with ISCF Grenada. I was born in Trinidad and Tobago, but I believe that God’s purposes involve me impacting nations with the gospel of the Kingdom. As such, I left secular employment in 2006 and since then I have been involved in full time ministry doing short term mission trips throughout the Caribbean, as well as in Africa. 

I believe that attending World Assembly would put me in contact with strategic partners who would be valuable resources in my international network of ministry partners. I also look forward to learning from what God is doing in other countries worldwide, and seeing which strategies can be applied to my local context.