Wednesday 31 May 2017

Living by truth - Take 2!

If it's nice, do it twice!

This was the thinking behind using the same theme from our Young Adults retreat earlier this year, Living by Truth, for our annual Borough Retreat. Point Fortin's Borough Day celebrations tend to take on a Carnival-like atmosphere, with lots of drinking and partying all over the borough. For more than 10 years, the youth leaders of Mahaica Gospel Hall located in Point Fortin plan a retreat for their youths over this weekend, so they could have a positive alternative to the festivities. This year was no different.

Pizza anyone?
We started off with our traditional Friday night activity - making homemade pizza. For some of the youths, this was a learning experience as they had never before had to cut up a fresh pineapple! With a little guidance and much grace to deal with the fast-rising dough, pizza sauce was made, ingredients were lavishly arranged and the pizzas were loaded into the oven to bake. While we waited, we watched the movie God's Not Dead 2. This movie set the background for our theme nicely, as it highlighted the lead character's decision to not compromise her faith (truth) even if it meant losing her career. It challenged them to consider if they would be able to trust God in the face of seemingly impossible situations.

Breakfast of champions!

Devotions the next morning focused on Psalm 1 where the actions of the righteous and ungodly men were contrasted. They were prompted to reflect on their lives and compare the characteristics of these men with the way they were living their lives. They were encouraged to meditate on the Word and live according to it's principles rather than the counsel of the ungodly.

Striking a pose outside the maxi

After breakfast, we contacted the driver who was supposed to take us to Port of Spain but in the background we overheard the sound of a party in full swing. He said he had to do some work on the maxi but he would send someone else to take us up. When the replacement driver came, he said they other driver was on his way but I felt more comfortable going up with him so I hurried everyone into the maxi so we could leave before the other one came. On the way up, he kept calling the other driver to see if he would come to pick us up but was not getting a favorable response so he decided that he would stay up in town with us so he could take us back home. I am so thankful to God that he cared enough to ensure we were not stranded.

Point posse in pink!
The event was Youth for Christ's Liberation Day held at the Queens Park Savannah. It was encouraging for our youths to see hundreds of other young people worshiping God in song and dance. They had a good time praising God with the various groups who led in worship, and it was a nice time of reconnecting with persons who I had not seen in a long time. Afterwards we had a photo shoot on the lookout before heading back home.

Taking in the sunset at the lookout
In the evening, we split the youths into two groups and they examined two case studies and answered questions about whether the decisions made were based on truth or experience. They were invitedand to consider whether they allow experiences from the past to influence decisions they make, rather than using truth as seen in the Word of God. Later that evening, a couple who were coming up from Point Fortin to help with meal preparation for our Sunday lunch had their car hit from behind. Thank God that even though their car was seriously damaged, neither of them were injured, and those who had to go back to Point later that night got back home safely.

Borough clip :)

For devotions the next morning we looked at the account of Jesus and Peter walking on water, and recognised that fear can hinder us from walking by truth. The youths were challenged to recognize that God's Word has power to change reality, so we need to have the faith to be obedient to God's Word despite the storms we face in life. We are thankful for the opportunity we had to impart truth to these young people, and pray that as they continue their Christian journey, they would apply the principles learnt and let God's truth dictate their reality.

Saturday 13 May 2017

Not a Promise but a Possibility

Children are a blessing
A heritage from the Lord
But they are not always promised
Even to those who belong to Jesus
Who have waited for God
To provide the help suitable
And have loved each other deeply
And have waited and prayed

But even though they are not promised
There is always a possibility
That joy will come in the morning
After a night of weeping
Proving beyond the shadow of a doubt
That the things which are impossible
According to the opinions of the world
Are possible with God

And every time a baby is born
It is a miracle
Because this life which before
Was just a possibility
Has now become an actuality
Known by God before even being formed
Made in the image and likeness of God
Knitted together in his mother's womb
Created in Christ to do good works
Loved by many who have yet to meet him

Celebrating the arrival of my newest nephew - Enoch Obeng :)

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Faith walk

The faith walk is not easy
It sometimes means facing day after day of grey skies
With no end in sight
And the only thing that keeps you going
Is the promise of God's Word to you
So even though you have no evidence in sight
You keep trusting
Because God's Word is true
Even when your reality says otherwise

Then one day when you least expect it
But exactly when God ordained it
The sun comes shining through
And you are reminded once again
That you serve the God of the impossible
Who always keeps His Word
And never leaves the righteous forsaken
But is faithful to do what He has promised
In His time and in His way

So we live to hope another day
As we rejoice in the mercies of God seen today
And we find things to be thankful for
Even in the darkest of days
For although we may not see what He is doing
We trust His character to remain the same
And as we focus on who God is
We see the beauty in our present situation
As we await the fulfillment of His promises