Friday 18 August 2017


When the Camps Committee met 2 weeks before the start of ISCF Camp 2017, there were only 17 campers registered for Senior Camp, and 13 for Primary/Junior. We were not daunted by the figures, and continued putting things in place for camp, having full assurance that God knew who needed to be at camp, and would ensure that they got there despite their challenges. A little more than one week later, the numbers had doubled for each camp. When the persons in charge of purchasing food stuff for camp asked if these numbers were likely to go up, I replied, yes, but only Jesus knew by how much. By the time we were ready to start, the numbers were crossing 50! We thank God for rewarding our faith by bringing in these additional campers, even at the 99th hour.

Campers interacting with Directors on first day of camp

We knew that we were in for a serious spiritual battle even before camp began due to attacks on the health of our counsellors and their family members. Each counsellor chose an hour every day to be in prayer for camp, and this continued throughout the entire duration of camp. In spite of the challenges and opposition which arose, God provided a way around every obstacle we faced. For example, when we mentioned that we would not have a resident nurse at Senior camp, as we were only able to get nurses to volunteer to come in during the day, one of our counsellors revealed that he is a certified in First Aid so he was able to fill in when they were absent. Thank God there were no major injuries on any of our camps this year. Our team of counsellors worked tirelessly, on one occasion interceding into the wee hours of the morning for a camper who needed a spiritual breakthrough. Through much prayer we believe that God broke many strongholds in the lives of campers, and with the Holy Spirit’s empowering they can now become “Unbreakable” despite the difficulties they face.

Primary camper with her house
built on a rock illustrating the life
of the one who puts God's Word into practise

The theme used for camp this year was "Unbreakable" and the focus was to show the campers that a life built upon Jesus Christ would not break under the pressures of life. But, as one of the camp speakers pointed out, before the campers could become unbreakable, they first had to recognize their broken position before God, and allow Him to heal them. In expressing the impact of camp on their lives, campers shared how they now understood why they felt broken, and that they learnt how to make their lives unbreakable with God, and keep it that way. They learnt that challenges would come to make them unbreakable, and that they should not be ashamed about being broken because this is necessary if they want to become unbreakable. Another camper pointed out that she learnt that, with Christ, there is a way to come back after being broken. Others learnt that no matter your circumstances, God could heal your brokenness. When campers shared about learning the importance of forgiving others who had hurt them, and recognising that God is with them regardless of the bad situations they may be experiencing, we knew that they received the message of camp loud and clear.

Primary camp speaker praying with campers on last day of camp

Apart from chapel sessions, there were case studies which generated discussions on issues such as depression, rejection and sexual impurity - topics which many of the campers were able to identify with. There was a time for counselors to share their own stories, which was very impacting for the campers to recognize that their counselors had real struggles that they were able to overcome by the grace of God. Another special session on Brokenness taught the campers that God uses brokenness to make us unbreakable. The campers also received training in how to do an inductive bible study, and heard from a panel about how they became successful in life.

Campers leading in worship at Senior Camp
Of course, there were fun activities as well. Quiz night was a good opportunity to review what had been taught at camp and to test the campers' general bible knowledge. Sporting activities were varied to ensure that even those not athletically inclined could participate and enjoy themselves. For the march past, the campers' creativity was on display in their team flags and fun marches. Talent night was another time for the campers to shine, as they sang, dramatized and used spoken word to convey the lessons they had learnt at camp. This year, in the absence of a trip to the swimming pool or a hike to the waterfall, a Fun Day was scheduled that included inflatable water slides, a bouncy castle for the little ones, snow cone and pop corn - these were thoroughly enjoyed by all. As usual, banquet night was a resounding success, with its theme "Retro Rock" which had campers dressing like in the 1960s.

Primary campers in their Retro outfits
This will have to do until we get a pool!

Senior campers line up for March Past

Primary/Junior campers at Talent night

We thank God for all who sacrificed to make ISCF Camp 2017 the success it was - who gave generously of their time, their energy, their finances; who sponsored campers and recruited campers and provided transportation for campers; and most of all those who were praying for these campers. We trust that the seeds of God's Word which were planted would develop strong roots as the counselors follow up with their campers, and that in the years to come we would see the fruit borne as a result of the investment made in these young lives at camp this year. Please continue to pray for the campers, as some of them had to return to less than ideal circumstances, that they would apply the Word of God to their lives so they too can be unbreakable.

Center-piece from Banquet night showing the Bible as the
foundation for an unbreakable life