Monday 5 May 2014

Planning and Pizza

I took the opportunity over the Easter holidays to have two planning and training sessions with students who were selected to serve on the ISCF Executives in their schools.

The first was held with students from Grenville Secondary School. They are all in Form 5, but they were the only ones who responded to the call for students to help with planning the meetings. We did some brainstorming, and came up with topics which could be used in the ISCF meetings the next term. We also discussed plans for the school assembly that ISCF was asked to lead on the first day of the new term.

Students from GSS at planning session in Grenville
The second training session took the format of a Pizza Planning Party at my apartment. There were two students each from Beacon High School, Boca Secondary and Anglican High School.

Getting to know one another
Praying for the ISCF groups in their schools
After the prayer time, I challenged them from 1 Timothy 4:12, focusing on them being an example of the believer since they are the leaders of the ISCF groups in their schools. Then it was time to prepare lunch.

Some of them had no idea what they were doing...
Eventually they figured out how to cut a tomato
Team work in making ah bess juice!!
Ariel was the professional dough-maker and she's only in Form 1!
While waiting for the pizza to cook, the students were put into groups to make up a song encouraging their friends to join ISCF. Here are some excerpts from their original compositions:

"ISCF is the best
Come join us and you’ll get success
Christ is coming soon
So get your act together...

This is the story of our lives
That Christ
Is coming back for us
So we’re sending a word
For everybody now
Let Christ be known and heard
Come join us now"

Composing their ISCF song
"It’s about you
It’s about me
It’s about hope
It’s about dreams
It’s about friends that pray together
To meet our destiny"

We then spent time brainstorming topics that could be covered at ISCF meetings this term, and drafted a schedule which they could follow.
Brainstorming on an empty stomach
 Finally, the pizza was ready.

It tastes as good as it looks :)
Enjoying the swings after lunch
For the final session, the students were taught a technique for leading a bible study - asking questions that help to discover the principles that could be drawn from any Bible passage. They each took a turn to lead in part of a bible study.

Practice makes perfect
Please keep these student leaders in prayer as they seek To Know Christ and Make Him Known in their schools.

It is better…

It is better to wake up early and go for a run and swim on the beach
than to stay up late wasting unproductive hours on facebook and the internet.

It is better to spend the first part of your day praying and meditating on God’s Word
than to rush into your extremely busy day headfirst.

It is better to have real conversations with people you are with
than to have online chats with people who are not there.

It is better to initiate a conversation with a friend you haven’t spoken to for a while
than to feel hurt that they haven’t spoken to you first.

It is better to confess your shortcomings to a trusted friend
than to struggle with your issues alone.

It is better to let someone know politely that you didn’t like something they gave you
than to pretend you like it just to avoid hurting their feelings.

It is better to get up and try again when you fail
than to stay down because you’re already there.

It is better to enjoy the season of life you are presently in
than to long for things to be the way they were.

It is better to be single
than to be married to someone who does not understand God’s purpose for your life.

It is better to ask a question
than to make an assumption.

It is better to rest when you start to feel the cold coming on
than to keep going until you crash.

It is better to schedule some ‘do nothing’ days
than to be constantly rushing from one activity to the other.

It is better to focus on a few God things
than many good things.

It is better to live your life totally surrendered to God now
than to spend the rest of eternity wishing you did.