Saturday 11 December 2021

Because God knew I would need it...

I didn't plan to travel abroad this year. Usually my trips overseas are ministry-initiated (going on a missions trip or to a missions conference) or baby-initiated (I visited both my sisters a couple months after they had their first babies). Neither of these conditions were prevalent in 2021. However in October the President of the USA announced that he would be removing the travel restriction between the UK and the USA so my older sister decided that she would take the opportunity to visit my younger sister in Baltimore. I did not want to be left out of the Sister's lime so I invited myself to come along. Only God knew how very timely that trip would prove to be...

I got to get my first beach therapy in seven months!

Two weeks before I was due to travel, my neighbour-friend-sister passed away. Our families have been very closely connected from the time I was born, so I was very glad that I was in Trinidad to give the support needed when her children came down for the funeral, and on the day of the funeral itself. I flew out the day after her funeral and spent a few days by her sister in Florida, who is also one of my closest friends, before continuing on to Baltimore to reunite with my sisters after 2 long years apart.

Can you guess which of us lives in the Tropics? 

I experienced God's favour even before I left Trinidad. Although I did my best to only take the absolutely essential items I needed, by the time my suitcase was packed up with homemade pepper sauce, seasoning, black cake, pastelles, callaloo, local sweets and a tawa for my brother-in-law's roti-making endeavours, my suitcase was 10 pounds overweight. When the guy who weighed it saw how heavy it was, he said, "Miss lady... you flying first class?!" I was a bit concerned, but when I got to the counter the counter lady allowed me to redistribute my items so I didn't have to leave anything behind!

When the brother-in-law asks for a tawa, dabla
and curry how could I say no?

One of the hardest things for me when the pandemic hit was not knowing when I would get to see my sisters and nephews again... Our country's borders were closed so they could not come in; I could have left, but would have had to apply for an exemption to be able to return. At the time Daddy's health was declining so I could not take that risk. After he passed there was a bit more flexibility, but I was still hesitant to travel. However my church mother told me, "Debbie, go see your sisters" and I am so glad I did. It was soooooooooooo good to just be together physically. While I am grateful for the technology that kept us in touch, there really is no substitute for being in the same room, sitting around the same table sharing a meal, and enjoying simple experiences together like playing games or taking a walk along the river.

The cousins were so happy to reunite as well!

My big sister and her son were only there for 8 days, but my little sister ensured that the time was well spent. We shopped at a German Christmas market, rode on a merry-go-round, saw a wide array of fishes and birds at the Aquarium, read books at the library, went ice-skating, walked along the river, rode bikes and scooters while the children rolled down the hill in the park and decorated gingerbread houses. My brother-in-law cooked a sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner for us while the cousins played with trains and built lego. I know that the fond memories of that week together will stay with us for a long time.

Bellies full after Thanksgiving dinner

I am very involved in the lives of my niece and nephew who live in Trinidad. One of the fears I had with my nephews living abroad was that I would not be able to make a meaningful influence in their lives, due to us living in different countries and me not being able to interact with them as much. However, God provided an opportunity for me to impact each of them in the time I was there. Joshua (at 2 years old) was not used to being apart from his mother, since he grew up as a 'pandemic' baby. Over the week he was there, as he got adjusted to the time difference, he became more readily willing to hang out with me when he woke up at the wee hours of the morning and his mother needed to sleep.

Me and my Chunkalunks

The last time I saw Enoch in person he had just turned two years old. Yet when I took him to daycare the day after I arrived, all his teachers came outside to see who was this Aunty Debbie he had been talking excitedly about all week! Enoch is now four years old but his mind is way beyond that age. He had me cracking up with his responses and comments. One time when he didn't sleep during his nap time I asked him why and he patiently explained, "I was too awake to sleep". My sister told me that he was not interested in coloring, however, one afternoon we sat together and coloured two pages in his workbook. He was so proud of the outcome that he asked me to cut out the pictures and stick them on the wall. One week after I left, my sister sent me a video of him doing his "homework" - sitting at his little desk coloring by himself. I was so impressed with the progress he had made - he did an excellent job of keeping within the lines!

The sun was in his eye for this pic, but he 
thoroughly enjoyed his first time iceskating

Isaiah is now 6 years old but has the reading level of an 11 year old. It was such a delight seeing the love and care he showed to his younger cousin during the time he was there. One of my treasured memories was hearing him pray after I read their devotionals while putting them to bed. His prayers demonstrated his understanding of the passages read, and also reflected his desire to improve on his shortcomings during the day. The day before I left, He drew up a table with the list of all the members of his family, and mine was at the top, so I know that he felt the connection too.

Getting ready to go to the Aquarium

One time when we had not left the house for the entire day, my sister suggested that we go for a walk in the park. Initially my nephews protested that they didn't want to go, because they were too busy playing inside but she insisted (it brought back memories of when we were small and our parents 'forced' us to go to the pool or the beach instead of staying inside all day). As soon as we left the house they started running and enjoying the fresh air. When we got to the park we found a tree which had lots of fallen leaves and they had a ball playing in the leaves, and covering themselves up with it. I thought about the times when God is guiding us to do something which is to our benefit, but we are hesitant to move because we are too comfortable where we are. When we submit ourselves to the leading of our Heavenly Father who knows the blessing that lies ahead, we are able to reap the reward of our obedience.

They would have missed out on so much joy
if they had refused to leave the house

Ten days into my trip, we got the news that one of our cousins passed away suddenly. My sisters were there to comfort me when I got the news. One week later, I found out that one of my good friends from ITNAC died unexpectedly, and a few days later, someone from church who was good friends with Daddy. By this time I was back by my sister-friend in Miami. She and her husband had already decided that they would take me to a beach, and when they saw the emotional state I was in they went a step further to make it a mini-vacation. Let me tell you it was JUST WHAT MY SOUL NEEDED!!!!

Can you tell I am in my happy place?

For me going to the beach is not just a lime. It is where I feel connected to God, because I get the opportunity to literally be IN His creation. When I swim I talk to Him. When I feast my eyes on the colors of the sky and sea, and inhale the salty air, and feel the sea breeze and the sand between my toes, my soul is at peace. The timing of this trip to the beach could not have been more perfect. It was just what I needed to refocus my attention on my Source from whom I could have drawn strength.

The water was freezing but I didn't care - I still spent
2 hours in it while my friends waited for me on the sand

We saw the favour of the Lord so clearly during this short trip. There were only 3 public access points to this particular beach in Bonita Springs, Florida. The first one was extremely packed and overcrowded. The second one would have only given us access to a narrow strip of beach, and we didn't feel too welcomed there; the sand was also very course and rocky. The third one was perfect - we had enough room where we didn't feel like anyone was encroaching on our personal space, it was quiet and peaceful, and the sand was soft. However, there was no space to park. After circling the car park once, we saw a lady walking out from the beach. We were hesitant to ask if she was leaving, but she approached our car, asked if we were looking for a park and told us we could get her spot when she left. And it was free!!! Talk about the favour of the Lord!

So blessed to be loved into a family like this :)

We went to the hotel to check in and then got ready to head back to the beach to take in the beach sunset. We were chasing down the sun, as it was setting at quite a fast rate, and we were not sure that we would be able to make it back to the beach in time to enjoy it. However, God who knows the desires of my heart ensured that He kept it in the sky just long enough for us to get to the beach where we could have seen it just before it dipped below the horizon. When we got there (we stopped at the crowded beach because it was the closest), we were shocked to see how everyone on the beach had stopped what they were doing and were giving the sunset their full attention. Everyone was quiet - it was like a sacred moment where we were all basking in the beauty of God's masterpiece. After the sun went down, there was a round of applause for a spectacular display of artistry.

The heavens were declaring the glory of God

The day was perfect so far, but it wasn't over yet. We were treated to a sumptuous dinner, and this was followed by a night of family games that had me laughing all my sorrows away. We tried to go to the hotel pool that night but found that it was closed. I woke up early the next morning with the intention to take a dip after breakfast. My friend warned me that it would be cold, especially since there was mist in the air, but I figured if I could have survived the freezing sea water it couldn't be so bad. When we went outside after a lovely breakfast, we were pleasantly surprised to discover that it was a heated pool! We made the most of it until it was time for us to leave.

A cheerful heart is good medicine

God ensured that we had perfect beach weather for our mini-getaway - the next day was very rainy. Later that afternoon I suffered an acute muscle strain in my back. Thankfully I was in my friend’s office, and she is a physiotherapist, so she was able to hook me up to a machine to send electrical stimulation to the affected area immediately, as well as ice it and tape it. In spite of that treatment, I could not lie flat on my back because of the pain, and I could not lift my leg to get into the car without pain either. I was given anti-inflammatory medication, and then iced it again when I got home.

Receiving therapy

We prayed for a speedy recovery, because I was due to fly back to Trinidad from Miami on the Thursday. While I could pay someone to handle my checked luggage, the airline's new covid protocols for carry ons was that no one but the owner is allowed to touch your carry on, so it would have been a challenge to get it into the overhead compartment. When I woke up the next day, there was no pain. I still took it easy and rested for most of the day. By Wednesday, I was totally recovered, to the point where my friend was able to massage it and I felt nothing. I was able to put my carryon into the overhead compartment on Thursday, and stand in lines in Piarco airport for 3 hours with no adverse effects.

There is no way I could have done this stretch
two days before

I am beyond grateful to God for the way He provided for this trip. From the persons who sponsored my tickets to the ones who sponsored my spending money to the ones who sacrificed their work and study schedules to allow me to have the beach therapy I needed, I definitely felt the love and grace of God that I needed to carry me through this season.

If "The blessing of the LORD makes rich,
 and he adds no sorrow with it" was a picture :)

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Death is not the end

 At church on Sunday our elder made this statement: We start dying from the day we are born.

It is not a pleasant thought, but it is the reality of our human existence. 

But it was not always this way. When God created humanity, His plan was that we would live forever. One of the trees planted in the Garden of Eden was the Tree of Life, which Adam and Eve had full access to before they sinned. It was only after they disobeyed God that they were prevented from eating the fruit from the Tree of Life (Genesis 3:22)

This is why death is so painful - it was not part of God's original design, but was a consequence of sin entering the world. There is no escaping it; we may be successful in delaying it by the life choices we make, but it is inevitable. In the words of Elder Joe Caterson, "We inherited a decaying inadequate body from Adam."

But the good news is that death is not the end. 

In John 11:25 Jesus said to Martha after her brother died, "I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." For those who have put their confidence in Christ for salvation, we have a sure hope that we will live again after we have departed this life. 

That new life that we will attain is far superior to the one we have now. In Revelation 21:4 it is described as follows: "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."

God wants everyone to be a part of this new life, but the decision to believe on Jesus must be made before we depart this life. The criminal on the cross who was being crucified next to Jesus made that decision just in the nick of time (Luke 23:42) Jesus promised that he would join Him in paradise on that same day.

We do not know when we will die. People have been dying at an increasingly rapid rate over the last two years, so we cannot take it for granted that we will have time to put our trust in Christ at a later date.

For those of us who have put our confidence in Christ, death is not the end; it is the beginning of eternity with God in heaven. The following steps are outlined in the Bible:

1. Recognize that you are a sinner (Romans 3:23)

2. Understand that this condition of sin prevents you from being in God's presence (Isaiah 59:2)

3. Believe that when Jesus died on the cross, His death paid the price for your sin (1 Peter 2:24)

4. Surrender the control of your life over to God (Romans 10:9)

5. Commit to living your life to please Him (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Man messed up God's plan for eternal life with Him through sinning, but God fixed it by sending His Son Jesus to earth in the form of man, to take on Himself the sins of the world (John 3:16)

Once we believe on Him, death is not the end; it is just the beginning.