Thursday 28 April 2022

Let the little children come!

 With the easing of restrictions for public gatherings, for the first time in 2 years we were able to have in-person outreach activities for children over the Easter vacation and they thoroughly enjoyed it! The first activity was held in a community in Morvant called 9 Storey, where ITNAC has been building relationships and meeting needs over the past 2 months. We identified young persons in the community who had business ideas, but lacked the basic capital necessary to move forward, and were able to assist at least 10 individuals with the materials and tools they needed to start their own small businesses. One of our members envisioned having a Fun Day for the children, and came up with the theme of "Outrageous Love". There would be Bible stories, games, science activities, art and craft. I was in charge of the Bible component, and felt led to focus on Matthew 5:44 - "Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you." Little did we know that, 6 days before the event was scheduled to take place, Orlando, one of the young men we had helped to start a business selling drinks, would be innocently murdered...

Aunty Odette, the visionary behind the Fun Day
teaching the children science using an experiment

The community was plunged into mourning after Orlando's death, but we didn't let this deter us from having the Fun Day as scheduled. When we arrived to set up, we could feel the heaviness as we spoke to the grandmother of Orlando's 5 month old baby, who was having problems sleeping since his father died. We prayed with them, and then proceeded to set up for the days' activities. As the children started coming out and the music started playing, the atmosphere started lifting. We started with some games for the children, then taught them some songs about God's love and loving others. Two of the youth leaders from St. Augustine Evangelical Bible Church, along with one of their friends, came to assist with the Bible component. Antonio and Safiya helped with the songs, organized the skit introducing the Bible lesson, and led a small group discussions after the Bible lesson, helping the children apply the principles which had been taught, and giving them practical advice about how to love those who treat us badly. The timing of that lesson could not have been better.

Antonio praying with the older children

After the small group discussions and prayer, the children had opportunities to devleop academically through the fun science experiments, creatively through making their crafts, and socially through the team games they played. Prizes were given to those who answered questions correctly and learnt their memory verse, and they also enjoyed the refreshments served. Even some of the adults who were there looking on participated in some of the games, and everyone enjoyed hearing the children's laughter and seeing their smiling faces. We trust God that the seeds of His Word would be watered, and that God would bring the increase. One of the residents shared that at Orlando’s wake the night before, someone suggested that the residents meet on a Sunday afternoon for a weekly church service, so we are trusting God that this would become a reality and that as God’s Word continues to be proclaimed in that community, the change will come.

Showing off her craft reminding them of
God's outrageous love for us

Four days later we held a Resurrection Party for the children of the families who stay at ITNAC's transition homes. Children of ITNAC members were also invited, as well as children from some of the families that we have been supporting during the pandemic. It was a wonderful opportunity to challenge the children about the significance of Jesus' death and resurrection to their lives - that they were to die to sin and live to righteousness. The children sat attentively for the Bible lesson, and eagerly answered all the questions which were asked. They were then divided into small groups according to their age group, and ITNAC members lead discussions with the children about areas in their lives where they needed to die to sin. They made craft to remind them that the same victory Jesus had over death is available to empower them to have the victory over sin in their lives. A meal was served, and they sang and danced until it was time to go home. 

Children engaged as Sarah led in a time of worship

What was incredible to me about that event was how God allowed everything to fall in place just when it needed to. Despite my efforts to plan in advance, I didn't actually sit down to plan the lesson until just a few days before the party. Half of the persons who had initially offered to help on the day in question were unable to do so at the last minute for one reason or the other. Yet with the help of some dedicated ITNAC members and my brother and sister-in-law, we were able to ensure that all the children who attended were well taken care of. The decor was exquisitely done, the food was amazing, and the support provided by all who attended was well appreciated. I especially thank God for Gabby, as I didn't think about organizing the use of the sound system in advance, and she was able to organize everything so I didn't have to be straining my voice to talk to over 30 children in a wide open space. God in His wisdom also led us to change the venue 6 days before, as He knew that the original venue would have been exposed to someone who was covid positive 3 days before the party was scheduled. I continue to be in awe at how God takes care of the details we are not even aware of.

Activity encouraging children
to make right choices

For the final outreach event of the holidays, we partnered with Miss Patricia who has an outreach to children in Febeau Village in San Juan. The community is plagued with many social issues, but Miss Patricia answered God's call 5 years ago to start a ministry to the children in that area. They report that there has been a noticeable difference in the atmosphere and attitude of the children since they started. We were privileged to work alongside her, sharing the same Bible lesson which was shared at the Resurrection Party, challenging the children to use every part of their body as instruments of righteousness, and teaching them that they have the power to resist every temptation to sin. I had the incredible privilege of leading the son of one of our team members to Christ at the end of the event when we were packing up! We thank God for those who prayed and gave generously, which enabled us to share God's truth and love with so many of these precious young souls.

Sharing with the children in small groups

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